About Us
Welcome to IIFP
The International Institute of Finance Professionals provides membership to a broad range of finance professionals including finance specialists, share traders, financial planners, accountants and property specialists. The International Institute of Finance Professionals breaks down traditional industry barriers between related finance professions through education and knowledge. The International Institute of Finance Professionals opens up new income streams and synergies for the international professional around the globe. A member will be entitled to use the prestigious IFP designation. The International Institute of Finance Professionals promotes high levels of knowledge through education, Continuing Professional Development, newsletters, conferences and seminars.
The International Institute of Finance Professionals represents finance professionals world-wide transcending traditional professional borders. The prestigious IFP designation signals commitment to integrity and excellence. IFPs fulfill professional levels of education including CPD. IFPs have mandatory industry experience. In addition to meeting the professional requirements of an International Finance Professional an Advanced IFPs meet the regulatory requirements of two finance disciplines while a Fellow IFP meets the regulatory requirements of at least three finance disciplines.